Who I Am

meThis is the hard part.  I feel like I’m creating a dating profile.  “Hi, my name is Angela, and I like long walks on the beach.”  I’ll try not to bore you to tears.

I’ve always loved reading. When I was young, I used to catch the bus to the library on Saturdays and hang out all day. I always had my nose in a book, and I’d read anything I could get my hands on, from the back of a cereal box to Stephen King to autobiographies.

And just like the O’Jays, I LOVE MUSIC.  Any kind of music.  The other thing I have in common with the O’Jays is we’re from the same home town.

I couldn’t WAIT to leave home and explore the world, so I joined the U. S. Air Force.  It was quite an experience, and I’m thankful to have been places most people only dream of.  Because of those experiences, my desire to travel has only grown deeper.

Misawa Air Base, Japan
Misawa Air Base, Japan

I married and had children, but I found marriage to be overrated, so I divorced the husband, and kept the kids.  Of course I’m being concise, it’s a little bit deeper than that.

I can be kinda silly, I’m fluent in sarcasm, I have a pretty bent sense of humor at times, and I can find the funny in ANYTHING (even the inappropriate).  Just ask my friends….

I can be spontaneous, I like to try new things, and I love to learn and challenge myself.  I’m pretty open, and direct, so if you ask me a question be prepared for the answer.  I choose my words with care, but it’s against my moral code to sugar coat anything.  You want my honest opinion, you got it.

The human condition interests me, and like a moth to the flame, I’m drawn to learning more about people and why they do what they do.  Which sometimes leads to this.

I ask questions because I seek to understand, not to pry or judge, and I have no qualms with striking up a conversation with a perfect stranger.  I can talk to a brick wall and get answers, it’s a trait (or talent, you choose) that I inherited from my father (who is an author in his own right).

I’m passionate about health and fitness, and I seek to find a nice balance that allows me to eat cookie dough and not transform into a beached whale in the process (moderation anyone?).  Although I’ve heard it a thousand times, I finally get it:  it’s a lifelong journey, not a sprint.

I’ve always been passionate about writing, but I never had the nerve to publish anything until What’s Done in the Dark, and the sales have far exceeded my expectations. I’ve even sold a few internationally (much to my surprise!). But it’s not about the money (although money’s nice!), it’s about getting the thoughts out of my head and onto digital paper in a way that tells a good story that people can relate to. I’m excited that others have enjoyed and responded positively to those thoughts.

I’m not a fast or formulaic writer, so you won’t see me cranking out books monthly (or even annually).  Writing doesn’t pay all the bills just yet, and my day job is keeping me very busy these days, but I hope you’ll hang in there with me while I give occasional offerings to my muse in return for some creative inspiration.

In the meantime, you can check out my blog or my author Facebook page to see what I’ve been up to.  Most of the posts on my personal Facebook page are public as well.

So there’s a little insight into who I am.  Hopefully it wasn’t too painful.  🙂
